Mario Vargas Llosa House Museum
After being carefully rebuilt and fitted out, the birthplace of Mario Vargas Llosa, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, became the first museum to feature innovative technology and an educational display spread out over two stories, narrating the writer’s life in chronological order through holograms and 3D films. There are a total of seventeen rooms, with the visit beginning in the room where the author is said to have been born. The museum tells of his time at the Leoncio Prado military school, the Universidad Mayor de San Marcos, and his early trips to Europe. The house museum also features the writer’s international awards and other personal belongings
Must-see sites
- Temperature 15 ° to 24 ° degrees celsius
- With a height of: 2334 trees m.s.n.m.
- Estimated time of permanence 01 hours approx.
Frequently asked questions
Average response time: 48 hrs maximum.
Camera, comfortable shoes, jacket or sleeping bag coat.
Vargas Llosa’s medals and awards.
Museum biographical
Appreciate themed rooms
Puente Fierro, Avenida Parra.
Input: 10 soles
Cost of tour: Approximately 10 dollars
How to find us
Important information
Main Hospital nearby:
- Emergency center of Social Insurance.
- Clinical Arequipa.
Closest police station:
- Police Station Old Palace.